🗓️ 日期:8/6(星期六)
⏰ 時間:2pm-3:30pm
📍 地點:Zubin’s Family Centre
📝 查詢:62267558 Ms Janice
📧 電郵:info@cantonehk.com
📲 WhatsApp:62267558 Ms Janice
💙CanTone is going to co-organize a “Father’s day Cantonese Learning Activity” for Ethnic Minority kids with The Zubin Foundation on 8 June! Let’s make a gift for our Best & Super Dad! 🥳
🗓️ Date: 8 June (Saturday)
⏰ Time: 2pm-3:30pm
📍 Location: Zubin’s Family Centre
📝 Inquiry: 62267558 Ms Janice
If any organizations are interested in our service, please feel free to contact: info@cantonehk.com 📩