Diversity Youth Leadership and Integration Ambassador
Training Program
我們的使命 Mission Statement
CanTone is dedicated to bridging local secondary students and ethnic minority students, shaping the next generation of youth leaders by fostering understanding and respect, inclusivity and diversity.
計劃概覽 Program Overview
The program is divided into three key sessions, including "Human Library" Event, Volunteer Training for storytelling and teaching with CanTone App, culminating in a hands-on volunteer experience where local students will engage directly with EM children.
正面影響 Positive Impacts
增強溝通能力 (Enhanced Communication):
參與者常來自不同背景。 與來自不同文化和社區的人交流,提高了溝通技巧,這對於有效領導至關重要。
Participants in the program often come from diverse backgrounds. Engaging with people from different cultures and communities improves communication skills, which are essential for effective leadership.
同理心與情緒智商 (Empathy and Emotional Intelligence):
Working with minority groups and understanding their stories develops empathy, an important trait for leaders to relate to and understand the needs of the people they aim to lead.
解決問題的能力 (Problem-Solving Skills):
Encountering and addressing challenges, especially in a cross-cultural setting, hones participants’ abilities to think critically and creatively solve problems.
建立自信 (Confidence Building):
By taking on ambassadorial roles and responsibilities, students build self-confidence as they are placed in positions where they must make decisions and lead initiatives.
團隊合作 (Teamwork and Collaboration):
這類專案通常需要團隊合作。 參與者學習如何協作,這是成功領導的關鍵面向。
Programs like this often require teamwork. Participants learn to work collaboratively, which is a key aspect of successful leadership.
指導和教練 (Mentoring and Coaching):
教導和指導EM兒童使用CanTone App等,培養了指導技能,這是有效領導的一部分。
Teaching and guiding others, such as the EM children in the use of CanTone App, develops mentoring skills which are a part of being an effective leader.
If you would like your school to participate in our program or wish to learn more, please contact us.