CanTone將於未來三個月為少數族裔小朋友舉辦免費環保主題中文班♻️,除了教小朋友如何用環保物料製作小手工外☘️,我們會教他們環保相關中文詞語及情境學習,旨在提升他們的環保意識和知識📗。現誠邀各機構單位合作🤝,如有興趣歡迎隨時聯絡Miss Janice💌
【Great News 🍀🥰】CanTone’s latest Eco-pilot project “💚Little GreenLeaders♻️” has become one of the funded projects under the Future Ecopreneur Programme and officially kicked off in November! 👏🏻
About Little GreenLeaders 🌱
Over the next three months, CanTone will be hosting free environmentally-themed Chinese classes for ethnic minority children♻️. In addition to teaching the kids how to create crafts using eco-friendly materials☘️, we will also teach them environmental Chinese vocabulary and scenario-based learning, aimed at enhancing their environmental awareness and knowledge📗.
We are now seeking Community Partners🤝. If your organization would like to explore collaboration opportunity, please feel free to let us know or contact Miss Janice anytime💌.
【Our Core Values】
❇️ Inclusivity 🤝
❇️ Empowerment 💪
❇️ Sustainability 🌿
❇️ Community Engagement 🤗
📲 WhatsApp:62267558 Miss Janice
Future Ecopreneur Programme由恒生銀行贊助,聯合香港科學園及和富社會企業主辦,FEP致力推動香港的綠色科技與可持續發展,透過一系列培訓與實踐活動,支持年輕一代成為改變世界的Ecopreneur。
Instagram: @future.ecopreneur
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