🎑今個中秋節 (29/9) CanTone 將在LINK Centre與少數族裔小朋友一起製作燈籠,品嚐清真月餅,學習中秋節詞語,一同慶祝中秋佳節❤️
🗓️ 日期:29/9(星期五)
⏰ 時間:19:00-20:30
📍 地點:LINKCentre
📝 查詢:WhatsApp 62267558 Ms Janice
#節日限定活動 等均歡迎合作!
📧 電郵:info@cantonehk.com
📲 WhatsApp:62267558 Ms Janice
🎑 This Mid-Autumn Festival (29/9), CanTone will be at #LINKCentre making lanterns with Ethnic Minority kindergarten children, tasting Halal mooncakes, learning words related to the Mid-Autumn Festival, and celebrating the festival together ❤️.
🗓️ Date: September 29 (Friday)
⏰ Time: 19:00-20:30
📍 Location: LINKCentre
📝 Inquiry: WhatsApp 62267558 Ms Janice
If any organizations are interested in collaboration, please feel free to contact: info@cantonehk.com 📩